How To Generate Leads And Increase Sales With Remarketing | Autosyst Consulting
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How To Generate Leads and Increase Sales With Remarketing
Oct 4, 2019
How to generate leads with Remarketing
How To Generate Leads and Increase Sales With Remarketing
Oct 4, 2019

Tracking customers who visited your website is a legal way in given your customers second chance of buying from you. Though in real life it’s totally unacceptable way of doing things, it’s like stalking people or prying on their privacy.  To take your digital marketing campaigns to the next level, you have to offer your visitors a second chance to become customers. This second chance is called remarketing.

To generate more leads, increase conversions and sales, you need to introduce remarketing campaign in your digital marketing efforts. Remarking campaign is an avenue to remind your site visitors that you got their back and that you are always available. The benefits of using remarketing campaign to retargets ads to people who have earlier visited your website is not limited to business owners but help customers too in many ways. In this article I will show you how remarking works and how to leverage it to benefit your business.  

What Is Remarketing?

Remarketing (or retargeting) is a digital terms used to describe the process of showing ads to people who have visited your website or used your app in an effort to bring them back again.

The main idea behind remarking is to targets leads that were generated but ultimately did not lead to conversions. It is a process that gives you a second chance to hopefully entice the customers who abandoned your site to finish the process they already started. Remarketing offer companies and marketers the unique opportunity to reach out to visitors who have left their website without buying which in turn helps them drive sales activity on their site, promote awareness for their brand among engaged audiences, and ultimately increase their ROI.

Types of Remarketing

There are different types of remarketing, depending which one you desire to use in generating leads.

  • Search Remarketing: Search remarketing is a form of remarketing that enables you to display ads to users who have searched for keywords that relate to your products or services but haven’t visited your site before.
  • Standard Remarketing: This type of remarketing involves showing display ads to past visitors. It works by targeting people have visited your site and later exited, as they navigate their way through different websites that use the Google Display Network apps.
  • Dynamic Remarking: Dynamic remarketing involves serving visitors ads that are tailored specifically for them depending on the products or services they viewed on your website or apps.
  • Social Media Remarketing:You can use LinkedIn remarketing, Facebook remarketing and Pinterest remarketing to serve ads to people who have visited your website while they browse those social media channels and partner websites.
  • Video Remarketing: This allows you to display your video ads on YouTube and other Google display partners to people that have previously visited your site.
  • Customer List Remarketing:This remarking method allows you to specifically display your ads to list of people who had previously signup on your website or social media with their email addresses.

How does remarketing work?

Remarketing works by dropping an anonymous cookie in the web browser of users who visits you website. This cookie tracks the user’s visitation to your site without storing any sensitive personal info like name and address such information may include the products or pages the users visits. When the user leaves your website to another website, the cookie tells your ads platform when that user visits another site and thereby display your ads to such users.

Remarketing allows the marketers to customize the ads displayed to any site visitor, for example displaying a picture of a product the visitor was viewing earlier, but did not purchase. Since the audiences that see your remarketing ads have already shown interest in your website products and services, these ads keep your brand top of mind among qualified users and motivate them to go back to your site to learn more and convert. 

The Benefits of Remarketing

REMARKETING INCREASES BRAND VISIBILITY: Remarketing is an apt tool in the hand of marketers for generating viable leads and increases brand visibility because it allows you to target a variety of customers who know the very basics about your business or products but initially did not buy from you. Remarketing offers you unique opportunity to reach out to visitors who have left your website without buying which in turn helps you drive sales activity on your site, it also promote awareness of your brand to the potential customers. With remarketing you will definitely be able to reach out to users who are potentially interested in your business, no matter where they are.

REMARKETING INCREASES CONVERSIONS RATES: Remarketing can help drive visitors involved in a conversion process back into a sales scenario. For instance, an e-Commerce website can tag all visitors who have viewed a particular product or even abandoned the products in the shopping cart, and display remarketing ads to bring them back. Another method is to target customers that have already filled out a form and downloaded content from your website.

A study shows that many visitors do not convert into an immediate sale after the first visit to your website, remarketing helps you go after them and later converts them into buyers. Remarketing helps you keep the prospects engaged with your brand and in your marketing funnel.

BRAND REMINDER: Remarketing serves as a Brand reminder. Visitors tend to forget your website the moment they exit the site but with remarketing, you can capture the mind of your visitors by constantly stay in front of them through remarketing, and thereby build a better relationship with them.

Ways to make Remarketing works

If remarketing must work, there are a few steps to follow:

  •  Segment your remarketing lists:when you’re setting up your remarketing tag, make sure you differentiate between different pages. Remember, Users visit your website for different reasons and are interested in different things, so the create more segments for different people of your site to get most out of remarketing.
  • Create a list for your existing customers:It’s wise to create a list for your current customers because they are your most loyal customers, and are the ones most likely to purchase other products and services from you.
  • Target users who have searched the website: Most remarketing tools allows you to address users who have done any search online, or targets users who have searched for related products or services related to yours.
  • Create a remarketing strategy: as a marketer ensures your ads are relevant to the audience you’d like to reach, and have a compelling call-to-action in a strategic place.
  • Test, measure and repeat:To reach as many customers as possible on the web, regularly test for different options, find out which options work best for your campaign and start making use of them. With a bit of practice and patience, you will definitely find the perfect remarketing campaign for your goals.
  • Find the best time of the day to display your ads to your target audience: You must look for an appropriate time of the day that you are sure your audience will be online. Though, not all audiences are online at the same time, so you test different time for different audience and you stick to the one that converts most.
  • Test different platforms and websites to know which one converts most: For you to get the best out of remarketing, you must try more platforms or websites to know the one that will converts for you most without wasting too much resources. Remember, you need the right platforms to target the right people at the right time.

How to Create a Remarketing Campaigns 

If you wish to setup remarketing campaigns for yourself or business, you can do so by following the following steps:

Create Google Adwords account or login to existing one AdWords account (or equivalent advertising tool) and get your remarketing tag. This tag is a piece of HTML code that you have to insert into the body of all the pages of your website (before </body>).

  • Create a remarketing list (or several!). These are lists made up of all the people who have carried out a specific action on your website, so you can configure it according to your goals. Once you have configured your list, you might have to wait a few days or even weeks to have the minimum number of users needed.
  • Activate your campaign.Create a new remarketing campaign and target it at one of the lists you have created. You can as well play around with the settings such as language, geographic location etc.

Let an Expert handle your Remarketing campaigns.

If you want your remarketing campaigns to go viral and get good results, then you need to consider given your campaigns to the right digital agency who knows the way around the internet and how to cook magic for your remarketing campaigns.

At Autosyst Consulting we know more about the behavior of users on the internet. We devote out lives to study your users online where they are and who they are, we know the best approach to take your abandoned shopping cart to them and continually stay in front of your exit users and make them buy from you. If you need help with your remarketing campaigns Contact Us and we will get in touch with you with our magic fingers.

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